Tag Archives: networking

I had an epiphany yesterday …


facebook break

So I’ve decided to limit myself on Facebook. OK it’s not a major epiphany but it is pretty earth shattering for me. Being a stay-at-home mom it became my social outlet, my sounding board, my networking community, my excuse to not get anything done and a MAJOR time waster. I got sucked into Candy Crush, Virtual Garage Sale groups that had me dragging my kids all over town for a good deal or sale (don’t get me wrong the money was pretty good for awhile there), useless discussions, funny videos and more. Because of all the drama in my life lately I just don’t need to add to the noise already in my head.

How I’m limiting it is that I won’t be posting any personal updates until things in my life are where I want them to be, until we’re settled. I need to focus my time and energy on life at home, my kids, art deadlines and being able to run my life and my house smoothly. Will I miss my everyday banter with my FB friends? Yes of course! I won’t be absent on my FB pages, my art one, wrap biz one and the groups I need to be involved with for my upcoming online art classes I’ll be teaching. Check out Soul Food!!

I won’t be checking in to places through FB, why? Not everyone needs to know every little detail of my life, who cares? I will be back someday, just not sure when. I need to REFOCUS, REENERGIZE and have the freedom to just get stuff done. I welcome messages, I will check those but goodbye to the negativity, nonsense, time-wasting things I was doing. This is what I need to do for myself, my family and my sanity right now. I hope you understand. The funny thing is, since I made that decision yesterday I have been doing things I’ve forgotten about like blogging, tweeting, working on my youtube channel, cooking and cleaning. It’s helped me be productive in just one day. Something to think about. Social media I’ll be using is youtube, this blog, twitter and instagram. Message me and let me know if there is something I absolutely need to know about! 🙂 Thanks guys!

I feel so relieved, who knew it was such a weight in my life? Not me!